Getting back to reality - I deactivated my facebook account!!!

Ok... so I did something crazy today... I deactivated my personal facebook account.  Not only did I do that but I did it without even putting out a last hurrah to my little virtual family!!
We will see how long this actually lasts for - maybe I just need a break for a few weeks to clear my mind and get back into better work and life habits.  What I do know is that it was really, REALLY nerve wracking to quit facebook!!
I actually felt a rush of anxiety as I pressed DEACTIVATE, thinking "but wait! what if something happens... what if more stuff happens!"  Well I'm sure it's happening right now - Once I got past the anxiety of deactivating I started to feel a bit of relief.

I have kept my business page up connected to a dummy page that will be the Admin, but I have taken myself away from that addictive need to scroll through the stream and see what everyone is doing, laugh at those funny photos, find out what my friends are eating.  Scroll, Click, Like, Comment, Scroll, Click, Like, Comment, Post, Post, Post.....
I would find myself scrolling on my phone while I walk between stores, in the stores, in traffic, in the supermarket, at the bank, at coffee with friends, before dinner, after dinner, during dessert.  I would check in to places so my friends can know what I am doing or what I just did.  Facebook was connected to my soundcloud, pandora, maps, my twitter, my instagram, my linked in...  

Today I quit facebook.  *Deep Breath*

Now don't get me wrong - I know that facebook is an excellent marketing tool, it is a great way to reach out to people and a fantastic way to keep in touch but I have also found it to be a huge distraction.  So my experiment is more so to measure how much more productive I am without the temptation there.  I mean how many times have you jumped on FB to scroll through quickly and ended up looking at a tonne of different pages, reading articles, commenting with people on subjects?  Did you suddenly find that you have wasted the last 20 minutes, 45 minutes or even a few hours screwing around on facebook?   I have.

I'm just wondering if I can learn to be a better friend, a better family member, a more present business woman if I am focused less on telling the world what I'm up to and focused more on what is happening in my life right now and who I am with.

Knowing my personality - I will be back on ye olde facebook.  I will be back with a vengeance - but I really have high hopes that I will do it differently and learn to find a balance between my virtual reality and my actual reality.  Let's see what happens!  
